Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Use µTorrent

Good Day Everyone, today I want to tell you how to use µTorrent. There are so many of my file in this blog that use µTorrent. Maybe some of you don't know how to use µTorrent.
First download the µTorrent here

Well, Let's just get to the point
First do you know what is seeder and leecher
  • Seeder is a person that download torrent and after they finish it, they upload it, while leecher is a person that download torrent but don't upload it
  • The more seeder the torrent has the Faster your download will be.

1. Choose your torrent, then open it with µTorrent

2. Then a window will appear like this:

3. Click OK. You might want to fasten your download, then click RMB on that torrent and choose Force Download, Just like in the picture below:

4. The More seeds and peers of the torrent, the faster your torrent is downloaded and uploaded:

5. Wait for a second until your download speed, increase. Your Seeds and Peers might be started by 0 ,But it will steadily increase
6. There is no step 6

But, Maybe you want to know how to maximize you torrent download speed
Here are the step:

1. Click on the option bar, just like in the picture:

2. Click Preferences, then a new window will show up, Then click bandwith, Just Like in the picture:

3. Then change the number of Global maximum number of connection, Number of connected peers per torrent, and Number of slots per torrent, just like in the picture:

Then click Apply and OK. And your download speed will steadily increase
Well, I think that's what I know, Hope it help you

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Smile's Value

He did not ask us to pay, but create much thing
He enrich them who take it , without make them poor.
He came just for a moment but the memory of him sometime last forever.
Nobody that even rich could survive without Him, and nobody is so poor become rich a usefull without Him.

He creates a happiness in the home, supporting good will at business and it's a reply from friends.

He gave a break for your fatigue, Light for despair, sunlight for sadness and natural antidote for trouble.

But He can't be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen because He is something useless before be given to others.

And if at last minute of rush ... where some of our seller server become to tired to give you a smile, can us ask you to leave a smile ?

Because nobody that is more need a smile than they that have nothing remaining to give!

Smile is an activity and face expression. It seems easy but some people can't do it. Where is the difficulties? when a sincere smile. In social, with smile, then we can make the others happy. Let's smile so we are not included as stingy human.

If there is some word or sentence is wrong please leave me a comment to fix it

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ayah Telah Menyesal (Father Has Regrets)

One day there were two men, they lived in nursing home. They name were John and George. One day George's boy came there and give him a present. He thanked him, and the next day his son came again, he gave him a present, so did the next day and the next day. "Why your son always come here, give you a present. But, my son never come here to give me a present or something like that, at least a appreciation because I always raised him when he was a child? I gave everything I have to make him a success man. And now, when he is a success man, he never appreciate my work." Said John. "You know, I was not a rich man at all, but I raised him with love and everything I have, maybe you never raised him with love that make him hate you. Maybe you raised him harshly, That's why he hate you. I have some word for you. Do not ever take care of your children by force." Said John. "Maybe you're right I'm sorry for all of my work that made him hate me."

Reflection : Do not ever threat someone with bad attitude or you will be sorry in the future
I'm sorry if my Vocab is bad i'm just learning.
If there is an opinion to fix the story. Just leave a comment

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Cruel King

One day in a kingdom there was a king named George. He had been knew as a cruel king. his tax rate was so high, so his people couldn't pay it, although the people could pay it, they wouldn't have enough money to feed their family. It's not the worst of all. He always tortured his people who don't want to pay the tax. As the time drifted on, his people gone, and finnaly King George's kingdom was empty. No one lived there, even one single person. there was just King George.
He was sorry for his policy. Now he couldn't do anything until one day, there were three knight who had wandered for long time. They came to King George's kingdom. They faced the king and ask him what happened to his kingdom. "Your majesty, what happened to your kingdom? No one live here except you and your family?" Said the first knight."You can't live here anymore without your people." Said the second knight,"I know, maybe i was too cruel to my people. Now, i just want to be given the second chance,"Said George. "Maybe we can help you,"Said the third kinght.
"But how can you help me? There is no way my kingdom can be fully restored!!!" snapped the king. "We can go to another kingdom and offer the people to live in your kingdom," Said the knight. "Allright i'll give you a week to get it done," Said the king. "Your majesty if you still cruel like that your people would not be welcome to stay," Said the knight advising the king. "Allright just do that, i just want my kingdom restored," Said king George.
At first the people didn't want to come back to those punishment.
But the knights ensured them that King George has changed. Finnaly the kingdom restored and the people
lived happily forever after.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seven Princes of Hell (Indonesian Version)

Tujuh Pangeran Neraka, di tradisi Demonology kristen adalah 7 iblis tertinggi di Neraka
Tujuh Pangeran Iblis bisa dilihat sederajat denga tujuh Archangels Surga.
Keseringan, masing - masing pangeran iblis menyesuaikan dari tujuh dosa mematikan.
Sama dengan tujuh Archangel, daftar definitif sulit untuk ditemukan, dengan tradisi agama yang berbeda dan sekte menawarkan nama yang berbeda. Sering dianggap sebagai daftar berwibawa, pangeran setan menurut Peter Binsfield, seorang Jesuit, ditulis tahun 1589, adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Lucifer - Kebanggan
  • Mammon - Ketamakan
  • Asmodeus - Nafsu
  • Satan - Kemarahan
  • Beelzebub (dipanggil juga Baal) - Kerakusan
  • Leviathan - Keminderan
  • Belphegor - Kesombongan dan Kemalasan